The international Lord Byron Prize 2024 has been awarded to the Earl of Lytton
The ceremony for the award of the international Lord Byron Prize 2024 took place in the central hall of the Academy of Athens, on July 2, 2024.
The laureate, Earl of Lytton, is the only direct descendant of Lord Byron,…
Thursday, October 10, 2024, concert at the Herodeion Odeon
Tribute to Lord Byron and the Philhellenes
Distinguished artists honour the “Year of Lord Byron and Philhellenism”, through works of great Greek and Philhellenes poets.
Contemporary musical composition…
Interactive map of Lord Byron's travels in Greece, Italy and Switzerland
In the context of the bicentenary since Lord Byron's death, the Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP), collaborated with the British Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, to create an interactive map referring to Lord…