Newspaper Griechenland Zeitung presents the Philhellenism Museum in Athens.

You can download in pdf the article from here and the newspaper in whole from here.




The Philhellenism Museum is open and welcomes visitors as of May 20, 2021.

The Museum is open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday 10:00 to 18:00.

Visitors must comply with the COVID19 specifications imposed by EODY. To facilitate the flow in the Museum, those interested are kindly requested to inform by email ( or Tel / SMS (+30 6974 750361), the day of the visit and the number of visitors.

To arrange group and school visits, please contact: +30.210.8094750.

For more information please visit our website:

Zisimopoulou 12
115 24 – Athens
Tel. 1: +30 6974 750361
Tel. 2: +30.210.8094750


The photo shows the Ambassador of Belgium in front of an important painting by a Flemish painter of 1650 depicting a scene from the Iliad (the abduction of Helen).


The Ambassador of Belgium, Ms. Françoise Gustin, hands over to the Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP), a flag offered by the Belgian Parliament, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary from the Greek Revolution and the opening of the Philhellenism Museum.

SHP warmly thanks the Speaker of the Belgian House of Representatives, Ms. Eliane Tillieux, and assures that it will forever honor this flag which will symbolize the long-standing bonds of friendship between the people of Belgium and Greece.


Τhe Speaker of the Belgian House of Representatives, Ms. Eliane Tillieux


The Philhellenism Museum honors, among others, Belgium, which has contributed in many since the Renaissance the promotion of the Hellenic culture, as a cornerstone of Western civilization and the European integration.

The Philhellenism Museum exhibits works of art by Belgian painters on the theme of the Greek Revolution, as well as the history of Belgian Philhellenes who fought in Greece on the side of the Greeks. It also presents the actions of the Philhellenic Committees operating in Belgium.

One of them is Augustin De Lannoy (December 28, 1798, July 6, 1826), who died in Andros.



SHP thanks the Belgian diplomat and Philhellene Mr. Theo Dirix, who assisted with his research the actions of SHP to study the biographies of the Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourgish Philhellenes who supported the struggle of the Greeks for national independence.

The Philhellenism Museum

Presentation of the newspaper TO BHMA on the occasion of the visit of the American Ambassador G. Pyatt.



US Ambassador Geoffry Pyatt visited the Museum of Philhellenism and the periodic exhibition on American Philhellenism, part of the 1821-2021 program: USA & Greece 200 years of friendship. The exhibition will be officially inaugurated in April 2021 and will highlight the long-standing bonds of friendship and cooperation that unite the two countries on the basis of the principles and values ​​of classical Greece.





SHP announces with great pleasure that the Museum of Philhellenism is ready to open its gates. The Museum tells the fascinating history of the Philhellenic movement from the Renaissance until today, presenting over 2.500 important works of art, paintings, books, documents and items of all kinds.

The Museum’s website will be ready soon, which will also offer a virtual 3D tour.

As of the first day, the Museum attracted huge interest internationally. Here are some examples:





Athens – On January 14, 2021, U.S. Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt announced in an interview with the Greek national broadcaster ERT the launch of U.S. Mission Greece’s year-long campaign to commemorate Greece’s Bicentennial entitled “USA & Greece:  Celebrating 200 Years of Friendship.”  The campaign will include educational and cultural events across Greece that will highlight our two countries’ historic relationship and the ties that bind us:  democracy, partnership, and shared values.

The “USA & Greece: Celebrating 200 Years of Friendship” campaign will support this effort through programs designed to convey U.S respect for ancient Greek ideals of democracy that were an inspiration at the founding of our country and highlight the role American Philhellenes played in Greece’s fight to establish their country.  It will also celebrate the strong people-to-people ties between the U.S. and Greece over the last 200 years, and our commitment to our present-day strategic partnership.

Speaking about the campaign, Ambassador Pyatt said, “U.S.-Greek relations are the best they’ve been in modern history.  Our friendship began during Greece’s war for independence and Greece’s 2021 bicentennial is an opportunity to celebrate this history and the values of liberty and democracy our peoples have defended for over 200 years.”



You may watch the video here.


The program “USA & Greece: Celebrating 200 Years of Friendship”, supports the following action of the Philhellenism Museum.

The “American Philhellenism” Exhibition at the Museum of Philhellenism:  a special exhibition entitled “The American Philhellenism” at the Museum of Philhellenism in Athens, featuring unique artifacts and historical documents capturing the birth and evolution of Philhellenism, U.S. support for the Greek Revolution, and the impact of Greek culture on the values, institutions, artistic and architectural expressions in the U.S.

For more information about “USA & Greece: Celebrating 200 Years of Friendship”, follow us:  @eefshp, @USEmbassyAthens and #USAGreece2021.



The Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP), organizes in collaboration with organizations and associations of 19th century revivalists, in Greece and internationally, a unit of 25 Philhellenes, who will participate with revivalists of Alexander Ypsilantis Holy Company (Ieros Lochos) and Greek fighters of 1821, in various commemorative events and parades in Greece and internationally. Young candidates from 20 to 35 years old, interested in filling one of the 25 positions as volunteers, can apply to SHP by email (