The Scientific Committee of the SHP is composed of scientists and experts who monitor the content of the website of SHP and its social networking posts, write articles, undertake studies and prepare documentation in relation to the subject of the Society. At the same time, they plan museographic studies for the organization of the Museum of SHP and the various periodical exhibitions scheduled in Greece and internationally.
Xeni Baloti
Xeni Baloti was born (in1963) in Athens. She had her elementary courses in the Greek – French School of Saint-Joseph and her graduate studies in the University of Sorbonne (Paris IV), in the History faculty. She specialized in the Contemporary European History and under the guidance of Professor Jean Turald in the period of French Revolution and Napoleon Ι.
She has been a Researcher in Athens Academy, in the Modern Greek Research Center as well as in the Army History Directorate. She has taught in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in the School of Journalism and Mass Media, and at the same time she worked for the European Committee as an external expert on vocational guidance and training issues.
She is the representative of the French Institution of Studies “Souvenir Napoleonien”.
She published extensively separate studies and articles in scientific journals both in paper and in the electronic press.
She has written, inter alia, the following: French Revolution (Estia publications), Nicolas-Joseph Maison, a great philhellene, Napoleon and Greece. The history and the myths (Kyfanta publications), Otto Bismarck, the founder of Second Reich (Gnomon publications) etc.
Selective works:
Eva Latorre Broto
Eva Latorre has a Ph. D. on Classical Philology from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, a degree on Hispanic Philology from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (National Distance Education University) and a Master on Archive Management and Documentation Sciences from the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. She has also been a doctoral student at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Since 2003 until now, she has been a member of the Governing Body of the Asociación Cultural Hispano-Helénica (Cultural Hispano-Hellenic Association – ACHH), which is the editor in Madrid of the scientific publication Erytheia, Revista de Estudios Bizantinos y Neogriegos (Erytheia. Review of Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic Studies). In 2021, she will be coeditor together with other members of ACHH of a special monographic volume of Erytheia dedicated to the Commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Greek Revolution.
Her interests encompass all aspects of Greek culture from a diachronic point of view, especially their reflection and impact on Hispanic cultures. Her PhD dissertation, Filohelenismos hispánicos. Lo griego como referente de autorrepresentación en los discursos ideológicos de España e Hispanoamérica, 1821-1824 [Hispanic Philhellenisms. The Greek as a Reference of Self-representation in the Ideological Discourses of Spain and Hispanic America, 1821-1824], and her most recent works have focused on the different receptions and expressions of Philhellenism in the Hispanic world during the 1820 and 1830 decades.
She has attended national and international congresses and published numerous articles in different international scientific reviews, as well as translated various literary and scientific greek texts into Spanish. She is the author of two books: Imágenes de Bizancio en las literaturas hispánicas [Images of Byzantium in Hispanic Literatures] (bilingual Spanish / Greek edition, Instituto Cervantes of Athens, 2009) and Griegos que el estandarte alzáis de libres. Poesía filohelénica española e hispanoamericana, 1821-1843 [Greeks, You Who Uphold the Banner of Freedom. Spanish and Hispanic-American Philhellenic Poetry, 1821-1843] (Madrid, 2015). By now she has a third book in the press: Greece as the Banner of Freedom in 19th Cuba. Life and Works of José Luis Alfonso (1810-1881).
Theo Dirix
Theo Dirix is a diplomate born in the mid-20th century in Belgium. He returned to Greece after diplomatic postings in Denmark, Greece, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Tanzania.
He is a freelance speaker and author of mainly travel and grave stories. His favourite topics are the anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) and his lost grave in Zakynthos and Philhellenism.
Thodoris Koutsogiannis
Thodoris Koutsogiannis studied archaeology and art history at the University of Athens (bachelor 1996, master 2000, PhD 2008). Additionally, he attended seminars and conducted research, on scholarships, in various universities and institutes abroad (La Sapienza, Rome 1998 & 2000, Warburg Institute, London 2001-02, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa 2003, Istituto di Studi Umanistici, Florence 2005-08, Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University 2011).
Since 2009 he is working as Chief Curator of the Hellenic Parliament Art Collection, Athens.
He has taught modern art history as visiting professor in Greece (Athens University, 2009, 2011, 2018, University of Thessaly, 2010, Hellenic Open University, 2009-14, University of Patras, 2019-2020).
He is working on modern European art, studying especially the phenomenon of Classicism, from early Renaissance to late Neoclassicism.
Concerning the perception of Greece’s “image” in the West, he has presented original studies in international conferences, collective volumes and exhibitions (among others: Hellas: genius loci, 2014, “A dream among splendid ruins”, 2015–2016• Minor Odysseys, 2017• “These are what we fought for”, 2020), as well as a monograph (2017) on Philhellenism in the arts.
Anastasia Tsagkaraki
Anastasia Tsagkaraki holds a PhD degree from the Faculty of French language and literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Since 2009, she studies systematically the French military Philhellenes publishing the outcomes of her research both in Greece and internationally. In addition, she holds a bachelor degree on translation, and specializes in financial, legal and defence terminology, working as a translator in the Greek Ministry of Defence (MoD). She is a member of the Panhellenic Association of Translators, of the Greek Network for Terminology on the European Commission, and of the Instructors Registry of the MoD. She is the author of the e-book Les Philhellènes français dans la lutte pour l’Indépendance Grecque, Athens, 2019. She speaks French, English, Italian and Spanish.